Thursday, 19 July 2012

Sharks and Smegma

Imagine a place, where apples grow out of the sides of sheep

imagine a place where sharks can fly, but only for very short periods of time, afterwhich they violently explode, but they have no way of knowing they're going to explode, so they always blow up over cities on the coast
oh and also, they can only ever do it after they've mated, before you come all up in my grills being like YEAHMAN BUT DEM BE DIE OUT IZZNT IT GUVNAH
so HAH!

okay right, stop imagining those things because they're very boring compared to this next thing

imagine you know a little feller called curly bill bent
and a picture of him appears on the facingbooks

now look, the other week our dear friend with an abundance of smegma took part in this photograph
as you can clearly see, a blowjob has just taken place, hence the big grin on curlybill bents face, and the amount of smegma around his now ill friends face

thing is, i didn't see this picture as a post blowjob photograph, i saw it as an oportunity

i've never used photoshop in my life before, infact i only learned what is was this morning, and i've been told that it can be used to make an image slightly different, i'd seen examples where someones face had been flipped upside down and their skin a nasty shade of green, so i decided i would pick up my mouse and give it a go

i then put the mouse back down and used it like a normal human being

how did i do?

1 comment:

  1. I really like the look of this guy. any way i can get in touch? i did look on facebook and twitter but no one showed up for curly bill bent. so i came to the conclusion this was not his real name. kind regards. mr grey
